This is a small raw puerh cake from ChaWang Shop weighting 60 gram. The cake is tight and beautiful. Its packaging represents Chinese Photoshop “art” with flowering trees, but the tea is nice. In fact I’ve becoming accustomed to a rule, that the uglier the wrapper the better its tea taste 🙂 The cake was made in June 2011 by Yukang Tea Factory.
This cake is made from small varietal of Yunnan tea trees materials in La Gu Zhai, Jingmai mountain. Selected spring material and pressed into this pretty small cake. Yellow clean tea liquor with strong flower aroma. Stimulated and full mouthfeel with fast huigan. Typical floral flavor tea from Jingmai. 60g per cake, 10 cakes in traditional bamboo tong.
After 2 rinses: flowery sweet fragrance appears. Leaves are yellow green.
1st steep at 95°C for 1 min.: light greenish yellow liquor. sweet and flowery scent. Too strong, but buttery with flowery earthy notes. Needs a faster steep.
2nd steep at 90°C for 1 min.: decided to try with colder water. When pouring, flowery fragrance appears bonded with earthy sweet undertone. Again too long, some astringency. No luck today.
3rd steep at 100°C for 40 sec.: bright yellow tea soup. Mouth watering flowery sweet taste with iron undertone.
4th steep at 100°C for 40 sec.: sweeter flowery taste.
Next steeps are becoming more sweet. It goes up to 12 steeps and more.
First 5-8 steeps must be very fast. Lovely potent little cake with a very good price. I’m thinking of buying a bamboo tong of it.
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